Some of you may have heard these . . .
If you can ask a question like that you can answer it
And your point is?
Not a deep thinker
Unclear on the concept
A snare and a delusion
The days run together like two-finger poi
Been there done that
When in doubt, overdo
Is that so very wrong?
Coincidence? I don't think so
You're giving me that look
None for you, pieface
Not after you’ve goobered all over it
“Don’t know why I made that pie, ain’t nobody goan’ eat it” (quoting his grandmother; Okie accent)
[reading in dim light] "put’ch eyes out" (ditto)
Aren’t you in the catbird seat (his mother’s saying)
Coulda woulda shoulda
Alea jacta est, sat est verborum (quoting his mother, the Latin teacher)
Vorrei e non vorrei
Finiti la commedia
Es mejor
Mas o menos
Hombron! (in admiration, regardless whether man or woman)
L’une, l’autre
Got to be a hunderd cuz ninety-nine percent won't do (in a thick bluesman accent)
Everything’s in a state of chassis (Sean O’Casey, Juno & the Paycock)
Do-mi-do duds (The 5,000 Fingers of Doctor T)
A mere bag of tells
Oh my gollies
“And the rivers run down to the sea, and the sea is not full” (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
“Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, and waste its sweetness on the desert air” (Thomas Gray, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”)
"Chief Iffucan of Azcan in caftan/Of tan with henna hackles, halt!" (Wallace Stevens, "Bantams in Pine-Woods")
Goodness had nothing to do with it (this is a movie quote, but he used it when someone said "Goodness!" in the right context)
Don’s son Norman contributes these:
Disgusted but not surprised (usually muttered after seeing my latest report card)
I do have a hammer....but where?
Oh dear god!
Can’t see? Can’t hear? Ohhh, what’s going to happen to him?
Don’t forget to warsh your hands
And the horse you rode in on!
Well, this is a fine mess you’ve gotten us into!
Favorites from movies:
I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille
I want you to know I really appreciate this, Mrs. Robinson.
I don't like the looks of these waters
I can't talk now, something big has come up.
Of all the gin joints in Casablanca, she had to pick this one.
No, this is your last glass of elderberry wine.
Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night.
Mongo love candy!
You want I should clear the table, Blanche?
Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain
Attention must be paid to such a person
Let him win
Let's get out of these wet clothes and into a dry martini.
Let's get into our outfits, Bruce.
We don' got to show you no stinkin' bodges
Cmon up to the lab, and see what's on the slab.
Put—the candle—back!
And this:
There’s a beautiful local native bleeding heart (wildflower), Dicentra formosa.
We tried to claim the website name but it was already taken, with all possible suffixes.